This is How You Grieve

Hey Ladies,

Welcome home! I hope you like the new site. The Frugal Feminista shows the grown-up version of me. In the last year of blogging, I spoke mostly about personal finance– how to save money, eliminate debt, and understand your relationship with money. And don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE talking about money, but I also want to share MORE of me– my thoughts, feelings, resources, hopes, and fears of being a young, gifted, fabulous and flawed.


I work as an educational administration. I got a call this morning at midnight to tell me one of the best and most beloved principals that I worked with dropped dead. He was only 38-years-old, a visionary, and a lover of brown kids. He leaves a behind wife, a small child, and a lot of people in shock. Two days short of the new year and he will not be joining us. When I heard the news, strange enough, I did not cry; instead I wanted to shave my head and throw all of the *ish that I never use outside of the closest window. I was mad that he was dead and I was a quasi-coward and still alive. When I tell you that this man lived and did as he pleased and I promise you– within reasonable terms– that he lived his life without many regrets and touched many lives because he left entitled to do so. It was his goddamn right to be loved, seen,and make a mark.

I hadn’t initially started writing this post to end this way, but hey, this is how I am feeling and that is where it is going. Maybe one of you needed to hear this message.

[info_box type=”alert_box”]Caring for yourself including takes care of your finances.  I encourage all ladies who are serious about self-care to go on The Happy Finances Challenge. In 42 days you can learn to make money decisions that will lead to long-term financial happiness. [/info_box]


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