
Process of Change

Have you ever noticed how you are motivated to change, talk about change, begin to change, and then stop? Whether it’s saving money, losing weight, or cutting back on drinking when it comes to making lifestyle changes it’s hard! At the end of the summer I was ready to let go of and change some

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5 Ways to Find The Perfect Birthday Gift

Showing the people that we love how much we appreciate them is extremely important.  Although you do not have to limit yourself to major events, I wanted to write a post about FNPhenomenal Ways to give the perfect birthday gift. Please note that you don’t have to spend a lot of money, or even buy

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How to Increase Your Savings by Making It Automatic

If there was one book that totally transformed my approach towards money, it had to be the Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.  This book taught me that if I want to be successful with savings and investing, then you must make it automatic.  The brilliance behind this concept is you can’t spend what you don’t

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Be Frugal With Your Time Just as You Would Be Frugal With Your Bank Account

I’ve often mentioned managing your time effectively, because time is the one thing that you cannot get back. This has been increasingly important for me because I have a ton of things on my plate and I am kind of Type A so I think that I can do everything. When you look at your

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Have Debt, Have No Savings? Do Make These 4 Money Moves to Help You Easily Live Below Your Means

I was speaking to a girlfriend that was looking for advice on how to manage her finances better. She was proud to share that she had no debt, but when it came to savings, she had none. Living Beyond Your Means I know for some, this is a hard concept to grasp. We usually hear

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Back to School Shopping Tips

Take Inventory for clothing and supplies.  Before you start shopping for new items, search your house and take inventory of all of the clothing and supplies that you have.  Identify which supplies will be needed in the upcoming year, and then check those off of the teacher’s supply list.  Once you identify all of the

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5 Strategies to Adhere to Your Budget

About 32% of Americans have a household budget. Having a budget it an amazing start, but it is not enough. You have to know how to follow it. Last week I discussed the steps that you need to follow to develop a budget for the holiday season. This week I want to share 5 strategies

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3 Ways to Save Money on A Wedding Gift and Stay On Budget

Wedding season is in full force, and if you are trying to be frugal because you don’t have the extra money to spend or you are trying to pay off debt, then this can be a scary time.  Please note, if you are a bridesmaid, then you definitely should read this article about cost saving

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Yes, It’s Ok to Splurge. Here are Four Instances When You Can Give In.

I had to be out of the office this week at an off-site training in the City. I normally get in and get out, but New York City summers are something at which to marvel and savor.  I took the long way to the train and caught myself outside of a thrift store whose funds

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Luxury in Frugal Living for the Urbanite- Here are 5 Life & Money Hacks

It’s almost spring time! For us urbanites who are finally breaking out of the cold winter weather that means more enjoyable time outdoors. There are so many outdoor festivals and activities that we can enjoy, especially living in a city. There’s so much free entertainment that you can almost go the entire spring and summer

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