
Asking for Help makes you a Super Woman

Asking for help, espeically for us Superwomen, can be uncomfortable and unfamiliar. We’re so used to doing everything for everyone that we don’t even think of asking for help. And even when someone offers to help us we don’t always take them up on it. How many times have you been carrying packages and someone

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Word-for-Word Ways to Say No Like a Boss (Part 3)

Hey Feministas! In this final post about Saying No Like a Boss we’ll give you the juicy words to use to tell someone no and still be kind. Sometimes we go to the extreme of  saying no out of anger or with attitude or not saying anything and feeling like a doormat. Now there are definitely times

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4 Must Ask Questions to Saying No (Part 2 in series)

Hi Feministas! Were continuing our three-part series on Saying No Like a Boss. Acknowledge was the first step. Did you acknowledge all of the times that you wanted to say no? Was it surprising how often you wanted to say no to someone or something? Or did you notice that the desire to say no

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How Do I Use Money As a Tool to Live My Juiciest Life? Here are Three Steps

Do you know of a woman that, despite not-so-great circumstances, keeps it positive and looks at the world through a lens of hope, faith, and overall positivity?  She has confidence, stays calm, and knows her purpose in life? Her light and energy are contagious and you just want to soak it all in? Then, you

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Celebrating Love throughout February

Some people love Valentine’s Day and eagerly await its approach after New Year’s celebrations are over. Honestly, this is probably the greeting card, floral, candy, and jewelry industries but I’m sure that there are some people too! Others dread the day and many people are indifferent. I tend to fall into the latter category. When

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Live Your Life on Purpose

Last summer I sat at the beach fantasizing about my ideal life and one thing that rose to the surface was my desire to have mini solo retreats at the beach throughout the year. Just a few days to myself with warmth, sunshine, and the ocean. “Maybe next year (that would be this year)” “Or

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Flawless?? If not, Here’s 3 Things to Do with Your Flaws!

\ The perfect ones are always flawed~Unknown One of the most difficult things for most people to do is talk about themselves. We don’t want to come across as obnoxious, by rattling off all of the great things about ourselves. But, we don’t want to admit the not so great things about ourselves either.  Have

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Move Forward or Stand Still?

With January coming to an end, how focused are you still on those New Year’s Resolutions? If you are like most people, some of the excitement and energy for achieving those goals has waned. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate those goals. Ask yourself: Is this goal important to my life now? Is this goal

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Make R.E.A.L. and Lasting Change

This time of year is filled with renewal, hope, and plans for 2016. We’re focused on the possibilities of the New Year and the chance to accomplish what we didn’t in 2015. But 92%* of people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions. By mid-February the gyms aren’t as full and resolutions fall by the wayside.

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You can’t do it all by yourself, so stop trying!

by Christina Lattimore “A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone. His father came along just then. Noting the boy’s failure, he asked, “Are you using all your strength?” “Yes, I am,” the little boy said impatiently. “No, you are not,” the father answered. “I am right here just waiting, and you haven’t

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