
4 Tips That Will Help You Overcome Financial Fear and Setbacks

Hello Frugal Feministas! (I wrote this newsletter over the weekend and have seen such a positive response. It really hit a nerve with a lot of us so I decided to make it today’s post. Thanks for all of your replies. I will respond to each one.) -Kara It’s about 7:45EST as I write this

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3 Core Money Mindset Principles That Keep You From Living Paycheck to Paycheck

As you embark on any journey of financial self-awareness, I want you to remember these three of my core money mindset principles. These principles not only empower me, they also push me to make smart money decisions on a daily basis. Know Your Why: One of the ways to improve your relationship with money is

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Don’t Call in Sick, Call in Broke: 5 Things to Do at Home to Improve Your Money Matters

Let’s Make a Vacation Out of It Data from the World Tourism Organization (WTO) find that America ranks amongst the lowest in developed countries in the average annual amount of vacation time their citizens receive. Member-countries of the European Union (EU) like Italy, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom receive, on average, 42 days, 37

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4 Reasons Why You Are Still Broke

You have worked too hard— getting your (numerous) degrees, navigating Cubicle America, and building your brand to be broke. “Being broke”, though, seems to a recurring theme among black women, who, for all intents and purposes, with the exception of their financial lives, embody intelligence, progressive thinking, resourcefulness, and discipline. But in order to live

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I See “Debt” People: 4 Things Broke People Say and Do

Brothers and Sisters From Another Mother? The highly indebted by way of poor financial choices, consumer charging, and unrealistic standards of living come in an array of sizes, hues, shapes, languages, and ethnicities. Despite these superficial distinctions, there remains a unifying mentality and set of behaviors that unite this demographic. Their movements, habits of being,

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The Only Quality That Separates You from Being a Black Millionaire (and It Isn’t Difficult)

My current reading situation is Dr. Dennis Kimbro’s The Wealth Choice.  According to his work, there are 35,000 black millionaires in the US today. When I came across this number, I was a little   a lot underwhelmed. I started to wonder how many more of us could be millionaires if we could just get our

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Process of Change

Have you ever noticed how you are motivated to change, talk about change, begin to change, and then stop? Whether it’s saving money, losing weight, or cutting back on drinking when it comes to making lifestyle changes it’s hard! At the end of the summer I was ready to let go of and change some

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5 Ways to Combat Instant Gratification

Picture this… You’re walking through the store, and you see the perfect sweater. Immediately, your mouth starts to water a little, and you get that impulsive, “I gotta have it NOW” feeling. Think about how hard it is to walk away from a situation like that. The difficulty in walking away is even harder if

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Don’t Be That Girl: 3 Types of Women That Have Toxic Relationships with Money

It is so important that women have access and constant exposure to positive financial role models as they journey from girlhood into womanhood. When they don’t, they end up like one of the following financial archetypes — using money as a proxy and substitute for self-worth, love, status, security, and identity. #1 Danielle The DivaDanielle

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Nickel and Diming Your Way Into the Poorhouse

One of the interesting things that I see as a personal finance coach supporting black women regain control of their finances is that these women are in debt or have bad credit , not because they are poorly compensated and, as a result, have to resort to charging basic necessities on their credit cards, but

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