
4 Ways to Combat the “I’m Rich on Payday” Feeling

Have you ever looked at your bank account on payday and felt like you were rich? Did the increase in your account start to make you excited and anxious? Did that money start to burn a hole in your pocket and you just had to spend it to treat yourself for working hard over the

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Learning How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

Many people would never take a road trip without a GPS or map, but often operate their lives without a plan or a goal. Just like in road trips, you need to take the time to plan, prioritize, and determine where you are going if you want to hit your destination. Without the plan or

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Move Forward or Stand Still?

With January coming to an end, how focused are you still on those New Year’s Resolutions? If you are like most people, some of the excitement and energy for achieving those goals has waned. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate those goals. Ask yourself: Is this goal important to my life now? Is this goal

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6 Ways to Save When You Think You Can’t Afford To

Despite a miserable financial reality—bounced checks, late mortgage payments, bank overdrafts, inner turmoil, and lack of sleep—you will still find people telling you that they can’t afford to save. The reality is that they can’t afford not to save. Helping a friend or a loved one move from the “I Can’t Afford to Save” mentality

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5 Things Smart Women Do with Their Tax Return Money Number #3 is a Kicker

A few years ago, I was walking in the mall and overheard a business owner trying to convince a woman to use her tax return to purchase a weave. She said that her hair was an investment. I didn’t stick around long enough to hear the customer’s response, but in my mind, I was thinking, “Buying

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Nickel and Diming Your Way Into the Poorhouse

One of the interesting things that I see as a personal finance coach supporting black women regain control of their finances is that these women are in debt or have bad credit , not because they are poorly compensated and, as a result, have to resort to charging basic necessities on their credit cards, but

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How Your Inability to Manage Your Calendar Affects Your Wallet and Your Weight

Recently I heard someone speak and they said that they manage their life according to their calendar. The speaker said that each day they evaluate where they are going, why they are going, and what will happen when they go. This individual asks all of these questions because they understand the importance of managing their

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6 Weekly Meal Planning Tips to Help You Save Money, Your Sanity, and (Possibly Your Future Marriage)

I work with a lot of women that control the purse strings in the home but find themselves struggling to meet their families’ savings goals. When we sit down and do a deep dive and analysis of their budget, one of the biggest money wasters is food— whether it is overspending on groceries, letting food

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How to Give Back According to Where You Are in Life

One of the two things that I really believe is: (1) “To whom much is given much is expected.” (2) If you are successful, then you must give back. One of the things that I’ve heard people ask is, “If I’m not where I want to be, then how can I give back?”  I think

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3 Ways to Save Money on A Wedding Gift and Stay On Budget

Wedding season is in full force, and if you are trying to be frugal because you don’t have the extra money to spend or you are trying to pay off debt, then this can be a scary time.  Please note, if you are a bridesmaid, then you definitely should read this article about cost saving

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