
How Black Women Can Use a Frugal Mindset To Win the Wealth Game

Money management requires some discipline. Personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge, so that behavior needs to include some discipline about spending, saving and tracking your money. This normally includes developing a touch of frugality. Don’t immediately think miserly ways, think ability to make sound economic decisions about money. Think luxury in frugal living,

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7 Important Ways to Keep Your Data Safe Online

With the fast paced evolution of technology, so much of our personal data is online in one form or another. Of course this includes data that pertains to our personal finances. Online shopping is very common and becoming the preferred method. During the end of 2013, 47% of shoppers stated they preferred to shop online

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As I was going through some personal finance rules that are very good to follow, I thought of the individuals who may be experiencing economic hardship and how this may be conflicting information. If you don’t have any income, no money coming into your household, then some of the rules don’t make much sense for

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4 Ways to Resist at the Grocery Store So You Can Save 64% on Your Bill

Food is a necessity. We need food to survive and the vast majority of us head to grocery stores to get it. You shop for groceries to get your ingredients then head home to prepare a meal. Therefore, grocery stores provide a much needed service. We know they really do, but they also need and

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3 Tidbits All Women Must Know About Money to Build Wealth

As women, we need to understand and internalize the basics of investing and building wealth.  Here a few choice tidbits to help you understand finances and build wealth, so you can feel empowered and informed! Tidbit #1 Relatively little can yield big results Investing is about compound interest and staying in it for the long

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