Happy Wednesday Frugal Feministas! Today we have the final installment of the Is a Financially Fit Man Hard to find? Let’s Discuss! Was Vanessa able to find a man on a good financial wavelength? Keep reading to find out!
So, I’ve met someone new who caused me to notice he was different from my previous relationships right away. He was patient with his purchases, and made smart and calculated moves when he spent his money. He wanted to know my financial situation and was willing to give me strategies on how to get rid of the accumulated debt I had acquired.
According to him, if we were to build together, he had to know where we were financially. Unbeknownst to me, he understood money as he had come from a financial background. He had owned a mortgage company and did accounting work in the past.
I, on the other hand, did not talk about money because I was too embarrassed by the mistakes I had made during my youth. You see, in my household we didn’t talk much about money. It was what those other people…the privileged people had. And we weren’t that privileged. So I worked very hard, went to school, received my degrees, and found a well-paying job.
Although I made a lot of money, I didn’t make the best choices when it came to my money. I’m realizing that now. My new friend and I always say that if we would have met earlier in life, who knows what we could have accomplished together. So I say all that to say that the man you meet may support your next big dream or can have you spending your loot to finance their big dreams. Be aware of your financial goals and his financial goals or you will be left holding the bag…I mean bills!
The information contained in The FrugalFeminista.com is for general information or entertainment purpose only and does constitute professional financial advice. Please contact an independent financial professional for advice regarding your specific situation.