How to Leverage Your Talents to Increase Your Income

“You can’t cut your way to financial freedom.”

I can’t remember who told me that quote, but it’s so true. Many times we focus just on cutting our expenses, but sometimes we find that there is nothing left to cut back. You also need to increase your income. Think about losing weight. Many fitness experts will tell you to reduce calories and exercise. Achieving financial freedom is very similar. It is as much about growing your income as it is cutting your expenses. You must do both if you want to have an amazing life. Many times we focus on one, but if you really want to see progress you need to do both.

You may be wondering, how do I do that and not go find a second job. I totally get it. We are all busy, and sometimes working a second job is not ideal. The good news is that you probably have an innate talent that you could leverage to make money. Many of us, if we give ourselves enough credit, do something amazing. If you think about it, you may even have friends or family approach you and to ask you for advice.

As you think through your gifts and talents that you may be able to leverage, as yourself these three questions.

  • What do you love to so much that you would do it for free? Leveraging your talent for profit takes passion. This passion will keep you going when times get hard or you are too tired to work. Your passion just isn’t enough. You have to be willing to put in the hard work to make it happen.
  • Do your talents improve other people’s lives? In addition to passion, you must have something that will improve other people’s lives. Remember in the exchange of goods and services for money, there must be a product that someone else wants and is willing to pay for. Therefore, whatever you have to offer must fulfill a need or want for someone else.
  • What people ask you for all of the time? Do they ask for advice or a service (hair, nails, tutoring, style, design, etc.)? Asking yourself these final two questions is a great place to start, because this will help you to identify what people may be willing to pay for. These questions also will help you to narrow down exactly what you have that may be marketable. If people are asking for your assistance in one particular area, it’s definitely worthwhile to explore that area a little more to see if you can leverage it for profit.

Take some time to honestly answer these questions. They will not only help you to identify ways to increase your income to move you closer to financial freedom, they will also help you to identify your passions and purpose. Knowing the answers will ultimately help you to live a life of freedom and also holistic happiness.

Aisha Taylor is a #1 Amazon Best Selling Author of the book “5+5 FNPhenomenal Ways to Save $100 This Week Without Killing Your Lifestyle”, and the Founder of FNPhenomenal (Frugal –n- Phenomenal). FNPhenomenal helps women to break the vicious cycle of making money, but not keeping it. FNPhenomenal provides education about money management, empowers women to take control of their lives, develop a healthier relationship with money, and pursue being phenomenal.

Visit Aisha online at www.FNPhenomenal.com

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