

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” top_padding=”30″]

Are you tired of putting yourself last?
Tired of having to be perfect?
Tired of having to hold it down for everyone 24/7, 365 days a year?
Tired of giving and never receiving?
Tired of wearing that damn Superwoman cape and those boots?
Tired of holding your breath waiting for someone to see the REAL you?

Tired of the sadness, frustration, and emptiness of waking up every morning wondering if life’s played a cruel joke on you?

Have you been…

Giving everyone but yourself a chance to have it all?[/text_block]

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The REAL you…

  • Pursues her passions without guilt and without apology
  • Creates healthy boundaries with the people in your life
  • Knows how to use money to help you reach your goals, not bury you further in debt
  • Wards off depression and sadness
  • Puts yourself first…without guilt and without apology.
  • Cultivates meaningful and loving support systems develop a personal mission statement
  • Envisions and pursue your passion and purpose
  • Clears emotional and financial clutter and chaos
  • Wants to start living the life you really want!
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_style=”italic”]If you want to be yourself but need a roadmap, a blueprint, or a gentle push on how to do so….

Then I invite you to…

Practice radical self-care with The Unmasking the Strong Black Woman.

In less than sixty pages (yes, this was written for busy women like you), you will learn how to you tap into your authentic self.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_style=”italic”]Let my struggles with depression,[/text_block]
  • failed finances,
  • failed friendships
  • bouts of self-doubt and
  • recovering from perfectionism,
  • help you speak away the taboo and stigma and speak life and truth into your life.

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  • Toni Morrison

    I wrote these sixteen essays about how vulnerability is the new strong. Once I learned to let my flaws and imperfections show. Once I got emotionally nude. And learned what that meant for my life… I was able to build myself up again

    Brick by beautiful brick

    With some of these simple yet profound truths I surrendered to.
    “You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”

  • Who this book is for?

  • You
  • Your sister that does it all.
  • Your cousin that cheers everyone up.
  • Your daughter that’s running on empty.
  • Your mother that holds it down.
  • Your book club.
  • Your Type A coworker with the bright future and sad eyes.
  • Your sorority sisters that are lifting as they climb.
  • Any woman that looks like she has it together (aka wears a beautiful mask)…but is one crisis away from a breakdown.

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Tell them it’s ok to…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_color=”%23272727″]Let it go.
Lay it down.
Leave it alone.

Their life depends of it![/text_block]

What Others Are Saying

This is a must read for all women of color, no matter where in the world you reside. Kara has taught me the meaning of self-love and self-care, to step out from behind “the walls of endurance” into a more juicy life. For so long black women have been at a place where we selflessly nurture, serve, soothe, please and pour our entire beings into the lives of others. At that place we are not allowed to feel or show emotions but forgetting ourselves and barely existing. This is quite often to our own detriment. -Sheryl from Jamaica, WI

Abby from South Africa
“Love, Love, Love this book”

“So many wonderful nuggets in this quick read. Kara, encourages black women to unmask ourselves. We are not made from brick and mortar even though that’s been the narrative ascribed to us; but flesh and blood just as the rest of humanity. We deserve to live “juicy” lives full of joy, love, passion, and vulnerability. I highly recommend this book. Kara thank you for helping us to debunk the myths that society has ascribed to us as SBW’s. And don’t get it twisted sisters, we are strong, but we are also weak and guess what? That’s okay too.”-

Amazon Customer

“Kara is so thoughtful and generous with her lessons and support.”-

Trina from Chicago, IL

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About the Author

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Kara Stevens is a content creator and founder The Frugal Feminista.com, an online home that helps women all over the world radically transform their lives through financial empowerment and personal development. Through speaking and training, she provides high-level support to women who want to be happy, wealthy, and brave.

Kara loves all things theatre, writing, and powerful art. She is a homebody and loves a good nap. She spends a lot of her free time daydreaming, yuckin’ it up with her girlfriends, and figuring out how to take over the world.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]P.S.

If you’d like me to speak about the financial and emotional dysfunction and disease of The Strong Black Woman Syndrome at your next women’s meeting, conference, or retreat, please shoot me an email at kara@thefrugalfeminista.com. This work is so important and we need to get the word out. [/text_block]

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