
5 Ways to Combat Instant Gratification

Picture this… You’re walking through the store, and you see the perfect sweater. Immediately, your mouth starts to water a little, and you get that impulsive, “I gotta have it NOW” feeling. Think about how hard it is to walk away from a situation like that. The difficulty in walking away is even harder if

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How Lemon Water Helped Me Get Financially Fit

by Vanessa Gary No lie, I started off every morning the same way for the last seven years: I stopped by McDonald’s, ordered an Egg McMuffin with Cheese, and made sure I got my Sweet Tea (extra ice). I did not think about my health or how much grease and sugar I was taking in

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You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To: Let My PhD Journey Encourage You

In 2007, as a woman married for five years with a husband I’d helped complete a masters degree, I was ready to pursue a long time goal of mine—a PhD. Having done all that was necessary to apply, I waited in anticipation. Early 2008 came and I received notification that I had been accepted! This

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3 Tips for Dealing with Toxic Co-Workers and Growing as a Professional in the Process

Let’s be frank here, the overwhelming majority of us need a job with a regular stream of income in order to support ourselves. The everyday tedium of a regular 9 – 5 can be a drag at best, and soul-crushing at it’s worst. There are so many elements at play: traffic, work load, bosses and

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5 Ways Feminism Improved My Marriage

Since sophomore year in college, feminism has been my source of security, inspiration, courage, and faith. It has provided me with the emotional and intellectual tools that I needed to piece together the scattered narratives of my past and the strength and wisdom to hold out for the future that I wanted. Feminism, the set

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Learning to Be Ok with Taking Some “Me” Time

fact recommended to schedule in some “me time”. She recently went through a patch where all she did was work long hours, attend a few events, volunteered, ran errands, and helped out her family. At the end of that time she was physically and mentally exhausted. She wondered what she could do to help create

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Why It Is Important for You to Treat Yourself Regularly

We all know how important it is to be physically and financially responsible. It’s the reason why you come to this site, to get tips and insight on how to be at your healthiest financially. A large part of being financially responsible is being able to identify when you are spending money on your “needs”

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May is Lupus Awareness Month: 4 Things You Can Do

Yesterday I found myself reading an article on UV exposure in a regular newsletter I get from the Lupus Foundation of America. The author described a 33- year-old woman who suffers from Lupus and deals with photosensitivity daily. Photosensitivity is a sensitivity to the ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted from the sun and other light sources.

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What to Do When You Don’t Want What You Buy

How many times have you purchased something and then when you got home you regretted it? I don’t know about you, but there are items that I own, but I never removed the tags. Generally when I bought those items, I had doubts, but I either purchased them because they were either: On sale, I

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I Got Fired Last Week. Here are 4 Things That I Learned

I was sitting in class when I got an email from one of the places at which I freelance. The editor decided to keep the message short and sweet. The department had decided to go in a different direction and would no longer need freelance writers. At the end of the email, I was wished

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