
Eating Healthily on a Budget: 20 Tips To Picking The Best Fruits and Vegetables

Summer is coming to an end. When I was a classroom teacher I LOVED my summers. It gave me over sixty days to relax, recenter, and get back on track with some healthy eating and exercise. But now as an administrator, I have to work during the summer and fit all of that juicy relaxation

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Fab N’ Frugal TV: Start Saving For Your Guilty Pleasure in Less Than 30 Minutes (VIDEO)

Are you ONLY saving for a “rainy’ day? While it is important to prepare for life’s misfortunes: a job loss, property damage, or a divorce, it is important  of the utmost importance that we save so that we can enjoy the experiences and items that ROCK our world. In today’s episode, I teach you three

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6 Tips To Keep Your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables From Spoiling and Wasting Your Money

In yesterday’s post about my tour of Walmart’s produce section, I mentioned that I was wasting money trying to eat healthily. Not because of the prices, per se. It was because many of the fruits and vegetables that I bought spoiled because I pussyfooted on eating them or cooking them. (side note: I thought pussyfoot was a

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Eating Healthily On a Budget: My Journey Continues with a Tour of Walmart’s Produce Section #WMTFresh

* I am a compensated member of the Walmart Fresh Crew. All opinions are my own.*Prior to joining the Walmart Fresh Crew, I had been struggling to balance my busy schedule: work, home, and my health. I had already lost about seven of the twelve pounds that I had wanted to lose, but realized that

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Eating Healthily on A Budget, Walmart’s Fresh Crew, and Good News…

BREAKING GOOD NEWS! I have been asked by Walmart to be a part of their “Fresh Crew.” As part of their “Fresh Crew,” I will be  blogging in the upcoming weeks about what Walmart has to offer in the way of fresh produce and affordability, and their 100% Money Back Guarantee– which states “If you’re not completely

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Is It Time For a Maid? When Low Maintenance Living Becomes High Maintenance

I was at the birthday dinner for one of my friends earlier this month. It was a beautiful image: laughter, children, and sisterhood—all that good stuff we need to make it in this world. I was having a good time. A new mother and social worker sat across the table rocking her baby in her

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Cosmetic Companies Steal: Protect Your Purse and Your Emotions

Have you ever been obsessing over some must-have expensive skin care product that you saw in a department store or advertised in your favorite magazine?  I know I have.  How do they get us all riled up by promising everlasting gorgeousness and boasting about some special serum extracted from ancient lizard eyeballs out of some

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Beauty on a Budget: Hot Picks for Summer-Ready Skin and Hair

This is guest post from Tamesha Danyelle, an Oakland transplant to NYC and an image consultant. Here she  provides LOADS of product recommendations on how to best rock your best summer skin, and hair… on a budget, of course!! 🙂 SUMMER HAIR TRENDSIn terms of hair, I say women on a budget should get creative and

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Is “Cheap” Really The Word That You Are Looking For?

Has anyone ever called you “cheap”? That has happened to me only a few times.  One of them being recent, but also having a twist: “You’re cheap, but then again, you’re not cheap. Like you will spend money on things that will lead to your success, but not on anything else.” I took it as

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The Baby Is Coming, The Baby Is Coming: Advice From a New Mother On How To Financially Prepare for Your Bundle of Joy

This guest post is from Amy Greenhouse, a children’s book writer, a public school teacher, a good friend,  and most recently, a new mom!  Here she gives the skinny on how to prepare yourself for the addition to your life. Babies are warm, squishy bundles of joy that require some serious, cold hard cash.   Spend

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