
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Financial Prowess?

Many of our spending habits are influenced by our upbringing. If you were brought up in a household that counted every penny, you may find yourself monitoring your cash flow and being very cautious with your investments as you get older. If you grew up in a house full of spendthrifts, you may carry on

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4 Ways To Put Your Financial Needs First

Putting yourself first is probably the best thing that you can do for the longevity of your finances and your peace of mind. All of your dreams, passions, and short-term goals, no matter how big or small have a price tag. But in order to realize any of them, you have to get into the

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5 Things That Death Reminds You To Do

Last Sunday, over the Christmas break  one of the principals that I work closely with, dropped dead at 38-years old, leaving behind a wife and a four-year old daughter. This principal was a dynamic leader, loved children, but most importantly to me, and for the purposes of this post, so young.So young. I haven’t been to

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5 States To Avoid If You Want Your Money to Grow in 2014

1. State of Ignorance State of Shock State of Envy State of Doubt State of Confusion If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to make a change, consider this it. Money Therapy may be just what you need to break through your financial blocks and release your money guilt and shame.   

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My Grown Up Christmas List

My girl Victoria over at My Fab Fico is guest posting today! She is giving us her “grown up” Christmas list which takes into account her buying power. Very nice. Very grown. This Holiday Season, I’ve made a commitment to use my buying power to support small businesses. Purchasing Christmas gifts can be challenging, even

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You Need to Write A Mission Statement for Your Life! Here’s How!

Mission statements answer the question of what the purpose of your life is… why you exist. In business, mission statements are used to keep the business focused. Employees can refer to it as a reference point for what they are supposed to be doing. It drives. In addition, it helps to plan. It accomplishes this,

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Identify Your Spending Triggers

This is a guest post from Marsha Barnes, founder of Financial Empowerment and 1/5 of The Frugal Fab 5! Check out her site and join us for our Twitter chat tonight from 8-9pm.-k by Marsha Barnes Spending triggers can be a time or day when you tend to spend alot, certain people that seem to

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How Not to Blow Your Year-End Bonus

This guest post is from Kathleen over at Frugal Portland. She is very cool peoples and knowledgable about frugal fun living. Check out her site here and find out more about her. -k Are you lucky enough to get a holiday bonus this year? I’m in sales, and we do a lot of our billing

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Wanna be a Self-made Millionaire? Then Do These 5 Things!

There are certain things that we have no control over: we have no control over when we will come out of this Great Recession and we have no control over being fired or laid off. But we do have control over our personal financial choices and our actions.  In other words, even with the grimmest

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I See “Debt” People: 4 Things Broke People Say and Do

Brothers and Sisters From Another Mother? The highly indebted by way of poor financial choices, consumer charging, and unrealistic standards of living come in an array of sizes, hues, shapes, languages, and ethnicities. Despite these superficial distinctions, there remains a unifying mentality and set of behaviors that unite this demographic. Their movements, habits of being,

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