
These Old School Money Tips Will Never Go Out Of Style

Before we had social media and personal finance experts to tell us how to stretch a penny or make our money grow, many of us had our parents and grandparents to show us the way. Their savvy thinking and proactive approach to living helped them survive the leanest and the meanest of money times. Their foolproof financial

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How Can Women Get Into Traditionally Male Jobs?

Women have started to enter traditionally male jobs more and more in recent years and decades. Many of these jobs are roles like lawyers, doctors, and financial positions, but many other women may choose more physically demanding jobs, such as being a firefighter or construction worker. Women can face many challenges when entering these roles

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What Will It Take To Rehabilitate Black Wealth?

Numbers don’t lie, but they are ill-equipped to adequately articulate the nuance of our collective wealth. The African-American money story is rooted in a fight for fairness, access to resources and restoration of our humanity. And at the heart of this story is a desire for this nation to finally make good on the material returns

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5 Tips to Make This Month Your Best Financial Self-Care Month

It can be hard to slow down and take time out for yourself…and your finances. This is especially if you’re juggling work, life, and love. But what’s the point of crushing it at work, killing it when it comes to your fitness goals, and holding it down at home and in the community, only to risk losing

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Design Process: Creating The Right Look For Your Business

(Image Source) The design has never been an easy thing, especially for those without much experience. Creating something visually appealing is one thing, but making a set of cohesive designs is much harder, and this is what you’ll need to do for your business. You’ll need to design a logo, website, and a range of

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Tips For Running A Better & More Effective Business

As a businesswoman, there are many challenges you’ll regularly be facing. Some days will be better than others, and there will be times when you feel like giving up. The upside to all this is that there are proactive action steps you can take to help you run a better and more effective business. You

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What Can You Realistically Do For Someone Fighting Addiction?

Addiction is undoubtedly one of the most intimidating topics to discuss, especially when it’s affecting someone that we love. In fact, many of us may try to make excuses for a loved one’s behavior simply because dealing with that reality can be very scary. But we can, indeed, help deal with it. Here are realistic

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New Strategies To Make Your Daily Routine A Little Healthier

Healthiness is determined by so many factors, so nobody can lead a perfectly healthy life. Still, that’s fine, because your goal should simply be to lead a balanced life. You just need to create a daily routine that keeps you in physical and mental shape. This doesn’t have to be as complex as it might

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The Various Ways In Which Business Competition Can Manifest

When you think of business competition, what thoughts and feelings come to mind? Often, we regard competition in the most concrete of terms. This is usually the right way to think about it. For instance, what market share do our competitors hold in our local scene? How busy might a rival restaurant be on a

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5 Ways To Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind

Being at your best is extremely hard when you’re battling illness, fatigue, exhaustion, and discomfort. Yet, for many of us feeling bloated, sluggish and irritable has become our default mode. We have become so accustomed to stress, bad food, bad posture and spending more time in the concrete jungle than the natural world that we

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