
“Keeping It Frugal Since 1979”: How I Became Mrs. Fab and Frugal

Dear Frugalista, I have been blogging for a while and I wanted you to know more about me, as a frugalistas. If we are going to be growing together, it’s important that you know how I became who I am, flaws and all. I hope you enjoy! 🙂 You’re having a…frugalista!  I wanted to make

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Maurice The Miser: A Financial Loser That You Must Avoid

Fabulous N’ Frugal started a three-part series on 3 Financial Losers To Avoid. I already introduced you to ‘Toine The Deadbeat, the dude that borrows your money, is averse to work, and has absolutely no ambition. What gets you sucked in, for a little while, is his charm. But that quickly wears off when you

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Be Relieved That You Grew Up Fatherless

 March 2013 made 40+ years of marriage for my parents. They, however, have not lived in the same country or seen each other in over 25 years. She wants him dead. He wants her money. They should have divorced, but never did.  Each is waiting on the other to pay for the paperwork. I, like

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DreamGirl Ebonie Johnson Cooper: Philanthropist and Founder of Friends of Ebonie

The concept of mindful spending, juicy living, and philanthropy are inextricably linked.  When you invest your resources—both time and money—Into experiences, causes, and projects that you believe you, you positively impact and change the world. Ebonie Johnson Cooper, the founder of Friends of Ebonie, a marketing communication agency with “an edge in social responsibility for

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10 Personal Finance Blogs To Watch: Part II

Earlier this month, I shared  Part I of my 10 Personal Finance Blogs To Watch. Here is the Part II. 5. Young Adult Finances: www.youngadultfinances.comLatisha provides very practical and easy-to-understand tips for those of us trying to make that transition from undergraduate to young adult. She is also  well-travelled and definitely full of life.Here is

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Who Runs The World? Girls!!! 5 Facts That You Need To Know About Women and Wealth

Earlier this month I attended a Morgan Stanley workshop called, “Women and Wealth” headed by the Urban Girl Squad to increase my financial acumen and because, as you know, personal finance and empowerment are passions of mine. The workshop covered the basics as it relates to savings, money management, and retirement. Their message, like any

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Is “Cheap” Really The Word That You Are Looking For?

Has anyone ever called you “cheap”? That has happened to me only a few times.  One of them being recent, but also having a twist: “You’re cheap, but then again, you’re not cheap. Like you will spend money on things that will lead to your success, but not on anything else.” I took it as

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10 Personal Finance Blogs To Watch: Part I

Hey Frugalistas, If there is one thing that you know about me is that I have built my life around the tenets of mindful spending and juicy living.  I travel.  I go out.  I attend to my spiritual and intellectual needs.  I pursue and (fund) my present-day passions all while being debt free and aggressively

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DreamGirl Willona Sloan: Educational Writer & Founder of “Writing With Willona” Workshop Series

How does being an educational writer by day impact, for the better or worse, your creative endeavors? I think doing anything during the day that isn’t poring over your creative project is hard. But a girl’s gotta eat. I am so grateful and fortunate that I can make a living as a writer and as

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GirlTrek Update: Why It is Okay To Fail

I panic and recoil when I feel that I am on the verge of failure. I often equate a failure with me being a failure. Is it not beautifully poetic the timing of my setback? After weeks of walking with confidence and determination and winning my Willpower badge, I stalled this week. I had a

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