
Why You Need to Try Your Clothes on as Soon as You Buy

About two months ago I purchased a 3-pack of leggings on Groupon Goods. I love Groupon Goods, because it allows me to get some things that I would have purchased anyway for less. Well, it turns out that these leggings didn’t fit at all. It seems like they were meant for someone more petite. The

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Everything You Need to Know About Building Your Credit with a Secured Card

Are you a new credit user? Maybe you have damaged credit? I have experience with both. My credit score has ranged from 580 to 680 in the 12 years that I have been borrowing. Good credit habits are easiest way to build new credit or to repair damaged credit. You need time. Time to build

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The Ultimate Guide for Redefining Your Relationship with Self, Others, and Life & a Free Gift

I have worked with Monique on redefining my relationship with food. This post is definitely one of those that you should print out and highlight. Lots of nuggets. -K by Monique Halley From personal experience I know a lot of us deal with self-judgment, engage in unhealthy relationships and allow life to beat us up.

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4 Ways to Kill the “Strong Black Woman” Syndrome So You Can Be Happy Again

If I could quit my job, buy a pick-up truck with a megaphone attached and spend the rest of my days shouting from the top of my lungs and paraphrase one of my favorite bell hooks quotes ” Strength is not the ability to overcome, but endure,” I would. It is such an important concept

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How Black Women Can Use a Frugal Mindset To Win the Wealth Game

Money management requires some discipline. Personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge, so that behavior needs to include some discipline about spending, saving and tracking your money. This normally includes developing a touch of frugality. Don’t immediately think miserly ways, think ability to make sound economic decisions about money. Think luxury in frugal living,

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10 Inexpensive Date Ideas for Any Budget That Are Fun and Sexy

Dating can affect your budget if you do not keep an eye on your wallet. It is tempting to spend money on experience while you are getting to know someone. However, there are plenty of ways to date and learn about your date without spending a ton of money. But you have to think outside

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Stop Waiting to Live

by Norissa Williams,PhD In my 20’s I found myself saying, “If I just had the space, I would do yoga at home every day.” And since I didn’t, I clearly had to wait until my next move. I would definitely have the space, then. As life would have it, I did move into another apartment

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7 Important Ways to Keep Your Data Safe Online

With the fast paced evolution of technology, so much of our personal data is online in one form or another. Of course this includes data that pertains to our personal finances. Online shopping is very common and becoming the preferred method. During the end of 2013, 47% of shoppers stated they preferred to shop online

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How to Leverage Your Talents to Increase Your Income

“You can’t cut your way to financial freedom.” I can’t remember who told me that quote, but it’s so true. Many times we focus just on cutting our expenses, but sometimes we find that there is nothing left to cut back. You also need to increase your income. Think about losing weight. Many fitness experts

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5 Ways to Maximize Marketing for Your Side Hustle (Part II)

Small changes to your marketing plan can potentially have a big impact on business, particularly when you take advantage of frugal ways to maximize your already existing marketing tools. Here are five easy marketing tactics that you can take advantage of right now to boost your business.   1.       Use your e-mail signature.   When running your own business, self-promotion

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