
3 Empowering Things I Learned About Money And Myself In the Last 90 Days

I learned so much from this program. I am so grateful for having been chosen to be a part #WomenInspired Challenge, a wonderful online community focused on inspiring and informing women just like you and me about what money can and can’t do in our lives. But if I could wrap-up my final thoughts about

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How to Know Which Colors Look Good Together

by T. Espinoza I love to play around with color. Whether it’s my purple hair or a bright outfit, I’m definitely not an all black wardrobe kinda girl. People often ask me how I know which colors will look good together. Here are a few tips to help you visually balance colors like a pro: An easy way

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Be Frugal With Your Time Just as You Would Be Frugal With Your Bank Account

I’ve often mentioned managing your time effectively, because time is the one thing that you cannot get back. This has been increasingly important for me because I have a ton of things on my plate and I am kind of Type A so I think that I can do everything. When you look at your

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A Reminder: “Pack light”

“…one day all them bags gone get in your way…so pack light” ~E. Badu   15 years ago I heard a song with a simple beat, meaningful lyrics and a message that will stay with me forever.  Listening to a neo-soul playlist recently, I heard that song again and was reminded why I love  the

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Speak for Understanding

By Tonya Ladipo There’s talking for the sake of talking and then there’s talking for the sake of understanding our experiences. Just like listening is key for communication so is speaking. It is not a debate, not a chance to out talk someone, or to prove that you are right and they are wrong. It’s talking

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5 Changes I Make in My Wardrobe to Prepare for Fall

In my quest to get ready for fall, I thought I’d share the 5 things I change in my wardrobe to prepare for the chillier temps: 1) My canvas jacket is totally not going to cut it when the wind starts whipping through my clothes so, I’ll switch it out for my parka or wool peacoat.

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3 Money Lessons I Learned from an Ex-Gambler and Self-Proclaimed Pimp

So, I was minding my business getting my hair done when Mister Jessie, a 69-year old hustle man, entered the salon with his handtruck, which was loaded with two big brown boxes that only stayed in place because of the blue ropes that kept it in place.   At first, I was annoyed that he

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Catch It – Check It – Correct It: 3 Steps to Changing Self-Doubt

by Tonya Ladipo Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend time and energy on something (or someone) that isn’t good for you? Whether it’s seeing the seemingly perfect lives of everyone on Facebook or spending time with someone who constantly complains and criticizes it’s easy to find yourself in a situation that leaves

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A Support System ….Get you one!!

A man’s pride can be his downfall, and he needs to learn when to turn to others for support and guidance.~Bear Grylls One of the hardest things for me swallow was being told I was too independent.  I didn’t understand it, it made no sense to me. NONE.  As long as I was able to

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Have Debt, Have No Savings? Do Make These 4 Money Moves to Help You Easily Live Below Your Means

I was speaking to a girlfriend that was looking for advice on how to manage her finances better. She was proud to share that she had no debt, but when it came to savings, she had none. Living Beyond Your Means I know for some, this is a hard concept to grasp. We usually hear

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