
Edit Your Closet: Love It or Lose It!

By T. Espinoza If you’re anything like me, editing your wardrobe is a task that sounds easy in theory but the execution of it? Not so much. When it comes to my wardrobe, there’s always a thing or two that I just cannot let go of, so I find myself having to edit more often.

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Dignity and Mental Health: Why awareness matters

No matter how educated, talented, or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.  Integrity is everything.~Unknown Saturday, October 10 is World Mental Health Day and this years theme is Dignity and Mental Health.  Dignity is defined as “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect”, and one

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Should She Go Half On Her Engagement Ring?

One of my coworkers ran up to me one Monday morning to share some good news. She told me one of her friends got engaged over the weekend. She even showed me a picture of the engagement ring. I thought it was beautiful. Since I didn’t know the friend, I didn’t have much more to

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Don’t Be That Girl: 3 Types of Women That Have Toxic Relationships with Money

It is so important that women have access and constant exposure to positive financial role models as they journey from girlhood into womanhood. When they don’t, they end up like one of the following financial archetypes — using money as a proxy and substitute for self-worth, love, status, security, and identity. #1 Danielle The DivaDanielle

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How to Increase Your Savings by Making It Automatic

If there was one book that totally transformed my approach towards money, it had to be the Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.  This book taught me that if I want to be successful with savings and investing, then you must make it automatic.  The brilliance behind this concept is you can’t spend what you don’t

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The ABC’s of Anxiety

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength ~Charles Spurgeon Hi Feministas! As some of you all know I am a Mental Health advocate and founder of Speak Away the Stigma, an organization I started to encourage the discussion around mental illness and mental health.  Each month I

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‘Keep It Moving’ Hurts Us – 3 Simple Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

By Tonya Ladipo How often as Black women do we ignore headaches, hunger pangs, and back aches? How often do we keep it moving regardless of how much pain we’re in? Last week I ran into “Stephanie” who had just been released the hospital. Her mind was racing with all of the appointments and responsibilities

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3 Reasons Your Competitive Nature is Holding You Back From Career Success

Hey Feministas! Today’s post was written by Taylor Gordon who is a talented finance writer who talks about making and saving money over at Tay Talks Money. Check out her tips below on how to handle your competitiveness in ways that aren’t detrimental to your career. I can admit it. My competitive spirit nearly caused

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To-Don’t List for Peace of Mind

By Tonya Ladipo   We’re all too familiar with to-do lists. Supposedly they keep you organized and productive. The seemingly endless lists also adds the burden of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed that you’ll never complete what’s on your list. Rather than create another to-do list try making a to-don’t list. A to-don’t list is a

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4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Nickel and Diming Your Way Into the Poorhouse

One of the interesting things that I see as a personal finance coach supporting black women regain control of their finances is that these women are in debt or have bad credit , not because they are poorly compensated and, as a result, have to resort to charging basic necessities on their credit cards, but

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