We are not just another money information membership site. We are a money + life coaching sistermind + “mentor”ship rooted in the science of guided and deliberate practice. Rather than overwhelm you with EVERY money topic under the sun, we cut through the money clutter and noise to help you build an unbreakable financial foundation.
In other words, we help you get good with the most important aspect of money (abundance-based budgeting, values-based spending, money mindset, net worth tracking and scaling), before moving you to the next sexy money topic.
There are so many distractions when it comes to personal finances and there is information overflow around every new tab you open or free download you opt-in that promises to transform your finances.
Action has. And what’s better than information + action to make the transformation last and become a part of you permanently? The answer is ACCOUNTABILITY. The extra credit answer is ACCOUNTABILITY with someone you trust and holds you to a standard of excellence. 🙂
Nearly 10 years ago, I started out as an ambitious, young, and scrappy brown girl classroom teacher who wanted financial freedom and made it her business to repay $65k worth of student loan debt and credit card debt.
As I was becoming debt-free, I started working as a freelance writer, and started a blog GetGetYourLifeTogether to share my financial freedom journey (which would eventually morph into The Frugal Feminista) while still on a teacher salary.
When I transitioned to becoming a school administrator, I was still in “hustle” mode and found that I needed to address my relationship with money in order for me to really strike a balance between enjoying my money and maximizing my wealth with this newfound increase in income.
After getting some needed support and mentorship to fully step into abundance, how I managed and enjoyed my money shifted exponentially. I maxed out employer-retirement accounts, increased contributions to non-retirement investment accounts, purchased investment property, bought my first home, and continued to grow The Frugal Feminista.
At this time, we don’t offer refunds since you’ll have immediate access to all of our goodies. Women who are ready for Abundance in Overflow DECIDE that they are 100% committed and 100% in.
Join 10,000 women who have downloaded the FREE excerpt of my best-selling book, Heal Your Relationship With Money.