5 Ways to Maximize Marketing for Your Side Hustle (Part II)

400-04129197Small changes to your marketing plan can potentially have a big impact on business, particularly when you take advantage of frugal ways to maximize your already existing marketing tools. Here are five easy marketing tactics that you can take advantage of right now to boost your business.

  1.       Use your e-mail signature.  

When running your own business, self-promotion is everything, and cross-marketing yourself is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to accomplish this. Include a link to your webpage and Twitter account at the end of your signature file in your e-mail messages. This way, you spread the word about your business every single time you send an e-mail. In addition, you’re indirectly increasing your following on Twitter, where you should already be promoting your business on a regular basis.

2.       Breathe new life into your website.  

 Websites are extremely affordable and customizable these days and if you’re serious about building your business, you should already have one.  Now maybe the time for a facelift, and revamping doesn’t have to cost a ton of money. Consider adding new low-cost pages for new offers and information that will please your clientele.  Use this as an opportunity to also make sure that your site is mobile friendly if you’ve been neglecting this area in the past. The overwhelming majority of internet users are connected to a mobile device.

3.       Use the blank canvas on the back of your business cards.

The back of your business card is prime advertising real estate that you already own. Use this space to get creative; feature a photo of yourself or your product, a coupon for 10% off, or a listing of services. Think of the back of your business card as an avenue to convey important information about you or your business. Now not only is it your calling card, it is a powerful marketing tool which can serve as a great icebreaker at networking events. Make sure it is consistent with the rest of your event marketing materials, from promotional key chains to business brochures. 

4.       Share and share-alike.

A lot of businesses pay big money to rent or buy mailing lists, which is a practice I’m not particularly fond of. Especially when you can get websites or businesses that attract a similar following to let you borrow theirs for free. Find like-minded entrepreneurs who wouldn’t mind doing some trading that won’t cost either of you any money. Be mindful to respect the privacy of the subscribers whose e-mail addresses are on the lists you trade. Consider asking the site whose list you’re borrowing to handle the mailing but to include a clickable link to your site and vice versa.

5.         Position yourself as the go-to girl in your field.  

Nothing helps to build a brand’s reputation faster than good advice – which is even better when it’s free.  You can be a handbag designer or yoga instructor if you position yourself properly your expertise can have customers offering to pay good money for you to help solve their problems. Your goal is to give away thought leadership to build an audience.

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