Have you ever looked at your bank account on payday and felt like you were rich? Did the increase in your account start to make you excited and anxious? Did that money start to burn a hole in your pocket and you just had to spend it to treat yourself for working hard over the prior couple of weeks? Well, researchers have said that women spend about $65 more on payday compared to other days of the week. Think about this. If you get paid twice per month, then that is $130 in additional spending just because of payday alone! What will that do to your ability to stay on track the rest of the month? How will that make you feel if your bank account is nearing $0 a few days before you get paid again?
If you have trouble staying on track around payday, then read these 4 tips to help you to stay on track and to minimize overspending that may set you back later in the week.
These tips will help you to avoid overspending because you will be paying God, yourself, and your obligations before you have the opportunity to start to splurge on yourself. Leave a comment to let me know how it goes!
Aisha Taylor is a #1 Amazon Best Selling Author of the book “5+5 FNPhenomenal Ways to Save $100 This Week Without Killing Your Lifestyle”, the Founder of FNPhenomenal (Frugal –n- Phenomenal), and creator of The Live Phenomenal Program. The Live Phenomenal Program is a program designed to give you the tools that you need to totally transform your finances, and stop living from paycheck-to-paycheck. It’s time for you to be Financially Phenomenal! Book your complimentary 20-minute financial clarity session with Aisha here.