“Because in ourselves, we are one hell of a storm.”
This is what I feel anytime women-of-color come together to do something amazing. A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending a Soup N Swap event, where women met to barter and feast on gourmet soup.
Sponsored by AF3IRM and the Black Women’s Blueprint, the Soup N Swap was their small way of socking an innovative blow to intense consumerism pushed by corporations. From the words of Minerva Arias, AF3IRM NY coordinator, the swap ‘[is] where no money changes hands and where one gives what one doesn’t need and takes what one needs [and] a tradition among women-of-color since the dawn of time.”
And don’t get it twisted, we just did not swap clothes, we swapped knowledge, talent, and networks.
What are your thoughts on “swaps”? Would you ever have a swap? What would you swap?
[info_box type=”alert_box”]Caring for yourself including takes care of your finances. I encourage all ladies who are serious about self-care to go on The Happy Finances Challenge. In 42 days you can learn to make money decisions that will lead to long-term financial happiness. [/info_box]
I would probably swap electronic gadgets, clothing. But I think with the gadgets i would try and sell it on ebay or craigslist and if i can’t sell it then i would swap it
Good point about trying to sell the gadgets,but a lot times people dont want to be bothered with selling because their priority is to get rid of the stuff.
If you just want to get rid of it, isn’t going to swaps time consuming? Wouldn’t it be easier to just donate them?
not really, because at swaps, you dont have to “swap” so to speak. It’s essentially donating if you dont pick up anything from the “swap.”
Yay — love it, Kara!!
Thanks, Abiola!
I love the idea of swapping! I need to get my friends and family to get with it too! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Yeah, Dre, I love swapping! You could even do an item-based swap like “all purses” or “all books.” It brings people together AND you can stash your pennies. What could be more fabulousnfrugal than that?