10 Personal Finance Blogs To Watch: Part II

Earlier this month, I shared  Part I of my 10 Personal Finance Blogs To Watch. Here is the Part II.

5. Young Adult Finances: www.youngadultfinances.comLatisha provides very practical and easy-to-understand tips for those of us trying to make that transition from undergraduate to young adult. She is also  well-travelled and definitely full of life.Here is my favorite post from her: I Have a Confession: I Don’t Have a Budget. You get a sneak-peak into how her parents really showed her the value of money and sparked her entrepreneurial spirit. http://youngadultfinances.com/i-have-a-confession-dont-have-a-budget/

6. The Frugalista www.frugalista.com

Natalie is a seasoned journalist and personal finance blogger with a lot to say. She spent a month without getting her hair done, eating out or getting a manicure or pedicure. She saved $400 and took a “vow of frugality.”

Her site has so many interesting things, it is hard to chose from.

7. Sister Save-A-lot  http://www.sistersavealot.com

Antoinette is a proud single mother of a 5 year old diva and equally proud extreme couponer. She has a passion for saving, which I love and respect. She even hosts couponing classes. I am definitely new to couponing and would love to have her as a resource.Here is one of my favorite category from her site: I LOVE FREE: http://www.sistersavealot.com/category/free-sample

8. DailyWorth www.dailyworth.com

Amanda is the founder of DailyWorth, a finance media company for women. Amanda is a thought-leader on the topic of women and money, working to advance women’s financial confidence and wealth

Here is one of my favorite posts: Having It All Doesn’t Mean Doing It All


9. How’s Married Life www.howsmarriedlife.net

Brianna shares the ups and downs of being married on her site. In addition, she provides very useful information on all things related to getting married and staying married.

Here is my favorite post:  Dining on A Budget:


10. Frugal Portland www.frugalportland.com

Kathleen is very witty and transparent about her personal and financial growth.  I was really sucked into her site by the information that she placed on her “About” page.

It was so inspiring that I think that is my favorite post: About Frugal Portland: http://frugalportland.com/about/

Frugalistas—Is there anyone else that should be making this list?

If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to make a change, consider this it. Money Therapy may be just what you need to break through your financial blocks and release your money guilt and shame.   

Author Bio

Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, is the bestselling author of Heal Your Relationship with Money and two transformative books in her financial self-care series. A leading voice in financial wellness, Kara empowers women of color to heal financial trauma, build lasting wealth, and embrace abundance with confidence. Her work has been featured by Time, Forbes, and The Washington Post, inspiring women worldwide to rewrite their money stories. Follow Kara on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Heal Your Relationship With Money


  1. Great list! I love Kathleen too, she’s great. i love your honest and fun writing style! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you very much. Welcome to the Fabulous N’ Frugal fam, Do or Debt.

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The information contained in The FrugalFeminista.com is for general information or entertainment purpose only and does constitute professional financial advice. Please contact an independent financial professional for advice regarding your specific situation.