My husband and I took a weekend jaunt to DC this Presidents’ weekend to get away and to connect with some friends. We pulled into a rest stop and he asked for my credit card to fill the tank.
“How much would that cost?” I asked.
He said, “around $65.00 or $70.00.”
He noticed my discomfort and said, “Look, babes, we are married and I am all in, you gotta stop looking at our money as separate.”
I saw his lips moving, but all I could think about was my mother and how my father took advantage of her, left her with two (wonderful) kids to raise alone, and notoriously swindled many a women out of their hard-earned dollars– starting with what I imagine was a conversation similar to the one that I was having with my husband.
But on the way to buy some water while my husband used my credit to fill-up his our tank, my ‘ahaa’ moments surfaced.
My husband is not my father. I am not my mother.
Does my upbringing impact my thoughts, feelings, and proclivities with respect to the opposite sex, money, and the opposite sex and money? Absolutely! Am I one of Pavlov’s dogs that operates strictly on conditioning– thus making my past experiences and behaviors an indication of my future moves. Absolutely not!
I firmly believe that you can change anything about yourself, your thinking, or life if I you want to. I think it can be extremely seductive and safe to use the stock phrase “single-parent household” to win sympathy and be excused from the hard work of being proactive in your self-improvement.
I want to improve my money mindset and I will improve it because our happiness and comfort are at stake.
The merging of finances will be a gradual process and it will be dynamic as our marriage continues.
I reject any formulas, and ‘must-dos’ that tell newlyweds or partners how to manage their money without understanding the couple personally. Growing a money blueprint will be trial-and-error and will change with the unexpected spills and thrills of life. (a windfall of money, a loss of a job). Currently, we have maintained our bank accounts that we entered the marriage with and created a joint checking and savings account with yearly targets based on our expenses and incomes.
Be honest and clear with your expectations from the beginning and if you can’t, have the courage to express your feelings when they change.
When we started dating, I pushed the idea that expenses should be shared equally amongst partners. But in hindsight, I think what I wanted was for my husband to pay the majority of the entertainment costs and we would tackle household expenses together. Now, it is my responsibility to express my feelings and thoughts about this since he is keeping up with his side of the agreement and my feelings and expectations have changed.
Frugalistas: What are your thoughts about money and your man? Have you and your partner discussed how expenses should be taken care of? What models of marriage have influenced how you interact with your money and your man?
If this post really resonated with you and you want to transform how you feel and think about money so you can live your best life, consider
money therapy.