8 Places To Sell Your Used Clothes For Cash

Sorry ladies for being MIA for a few days, but I am glad that I am back. So, when I was at the Get Radical Conference this past winter, getting all poured into with inspiration and practical tips for getting me from where I am to where I want to be, one word kept replaying in my head.

And that word was SHED.

Yes, shed– reduce, get rid of, do away with. And in all aspects of my life: SHED unwanted relationships that no longer serve me, SHED unneeded weight that I have been holding on to, SHED toxic habits and ways of thinking that drown out my higher self, and for the more practical, SHED material items that I don’t need, don’t use, and don’t help me live aligned to my truth.

And for this post, I am going to focus on the last piece: shedding material items that no longer serve you and because your girl (that would be me 🙂 is frugal and entrepreneurial, I am going to share with you how to maximize your financial bottom line in the process.

If you are looking to SHED for a season, reason, or lifetime, take note of these sites and use that money toward your emergency fund, paying down debt, or toward investing in something ( an experience or idea) that you really love. Some of these sites were new to me. I learned about them during our last Frugal Fab 5 Twitter Chat. (Sidebar: If you are not on that, you need to get on it. Every first Thursday of the month, with the exception of July and August. We take a vacay. 🙂 )

1. Buffalo Exchange: www.buffaloexchange.com They have dozens of locations throughout the country.
2. Poshmark www.poshmark.com This online shop allows you to upload from your phone with free shipping & quick payment
3. Etsy www.etsy.com: Etsy is an excellent site to begin your small business endeavor. (yes, this could be a serious side hustle if you are always shopping. 🙂 )
4. Private Facebook Groups: During our last Twitter Chat, a woman mentioned that she was able to sell her baby clothes via Facebook.
5. Beacon’s Closet www.beaconscloset.com These are only located in NYC.
6. Plato’s Closet www.platocloset.com. Here is a link to what they are looking for.
7. Indoor Yard Sale: Do you remember when I told you that I had yard sale in my living room to pay back my student loans? Click here if don’t remember. But best believe, there is money to be made if you are willing to organize it.
8. Ebay www.ebay.com If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can leave it up to them. You make up to 70% of the selling price. The link that I posted here links you to the “sellforme” landing page.

Frugal Feministas!!! So what say you? Doable? What other sites should we know about? Leave a comment below.

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